How to Store Coffee Beans The Right Way

How to Store Coffee Beans The Right Way

Can you buy something you cherish the most of them store it in a way that it will get spoilt? Chances are, you can’t shell a lot of money to buy something precious, (in this case an haute bag of coffee beans) and store them anyhow. These beans are sensitive to nature. They will lose their taste and suppleness quickly if you don’t store them properly. Leave them in the open or where there is moisture, and they become stale.

If you are using a lot of many, you need to learn different ways to store your beans. There are several ways to store coffee grounds. Let’s begin with coffee beans worst enemies.

Enemies of coffee bean freshness

There are a variety of enemies that can make your coffee lifeless, dull and tasteless. Three main natural enemies are:

  1. Heat

Heat is your coffee beans first enemy. It doubles up the decaying process of organic matters. They become stale and less effective when making your favorite cup of coffee. Whenever you find that your beans are hard and oxidized, blame the heat and your storage choice.

  1. Air

As much as we love the air and free air circulation inside our homes, coffee beans can’t survive where there is lots of it. Air helps oxidation to take place and robs your beans of its taste, robustness, and natural fragrance.

  1. Moisture

Moisture is an enemy of almost anything expect something that can decay or grow. If you don’t want your coffee beans to grow, keep them away from moisture. Humidity causes clomping and molding, which lead to decay. You won’t be able to use the coffee ever again.

How to store coffee beans the right way

Now, lets get to how to store coffee beans the right way. You might store them in your refrigerator or at room temperature. To start with, let’s see how to store the beans in a refrigerator.

  1. Store them in the refrigerator

Some people may prefer to store coffee in the fridge even though it is not the best storage choice. When it comes to coffee, its freshness is crucial. The difference in the freshness depends on how you store your beans. To store your coffee beans in the refrigerator at home, you need to follow these steps:

Use an airtight container

An airtight container will minimize moisture and change of freezer smell from getting to your coffee. Once you bring your coffee home, remove them from its original packaging and transfer them into an airtight container. You can also use a thick plastic bag that will not let in air. Afterward, place it in the fridge.

Place it in the deep freeze

If you are using your coffee after a period of time, keeping it in the deep freezer is a better option. The deep freezer keeps it in constant humid conditions. Freezing your beans is not bad, but storing them in small quantities is essential.

  1. Storing coffee in a room temperature

One of the best ways to store your coffee beans is at room temperature. If it is stored well, your coffee will remain fresh for as long as you wish. To start with, here are various things to keep in mind.

Use an airtight container

Just like when you store your beans in the refrigerator, use an airtight container always when storing your beans. Using a hermetically-sealed container specifically made for coffee storage is better. A heavy airtight lid container can make a perfect alternative to the hermetically-sealed container.

Keep it somewhere dry

Coffee and water or moisture don’t go together. Whether you like it or not, you must store your coffee in a dry place. Make sure your cabinets or the kitchen pantry is completely dry. Avoid damp basements or other moist areas in your home. However, if you can’t avoid the moist area, ensure the container is well sealed, no air or moisture should get to the beans.

Make sure the temperature is constant

It might be tricky with the changing weather, but it’s essential to do so. Your storage temperature and humidity should be constant to keep your coffee beans fresh. If it’s the cupboard and basement, make sure the temperature is right for coffee storage.

Things to avoid when storing your grounds or beans

While storing your coffee, there are things you need to keep in mind. They are the kind of things you would love to avoid to keep your coffee taste good. Some of these things are:

Avoid a transparent container

When choosing a container, go for an opaque container. Fast it keeps the light away from the beans. Ground or beans can go stale when exposed to too much light. If you are using a transparent container, keep it away from light.

Avoid storing ground coffee in the refrigerator

As much as you think it is the best way to keep your coffee fresh for long, it is not. For example, you should avoid storing them in the fridge if you are going to use them in a few weeks. Also, the refrigerator will expose your coffee to undesirable conditions. They can be exposed to air and moisture. If you must, use the freezer.

Avoid storing grinded coffee

Only grind the coffee when you are ready to brew and not when storing them. Grinded coffee is susceptible to many natural enemies. Your coffee freshness comes down to storage.

The way you store your coffee will determine whether it will stay as fresh as you bought them off they will become stale. Also, make sure you buy in small amounts if you don’t need a large number of coffee beans. Smaller amounts are easy to store. The temperature also matters.

Like Kevin Sinnott, the author of The Art and Craft of Coffee: An Enthusiast’s Guide to Selecting, Roasting, and Brewing Exquisite Coffee puts it, “Coffee beans are at their peak flavor for fourteen days from the roaster. Beyond that, they should be stored consistently below 0C/32F, ideally near the temperature where Walt Disney is kept.” Store your coffee the right way and enjoy its freshness every time to brew it at home.



Hi, my name is James and I love to write about espresso and coffee making topics that I find interesting. Once in a while, you can also find me writing about garden tools and accessories.